
Friday May 01, 2015
Theology of Place- Episode 8
Friday May 01, 2015
Friday May 01, 2015
In episode eight, Rick Enloe and Dave Hillis are joined by Wil McCall, President of the Dallas Leadership Foundation, for a deeper dive into the theology of place. The theology of place is one of the most significant ramifications to a belief in the incarnation calling us to be committed not only to the people in our city, but also to the places we live in our city. Listen as they explore what this belief means for our cities over the long haul.

Friday Mar 27, 2015
Theology of Place Whispercast- Episode 7
Friday Mar 27, 2015
Friday Mar 27, 2015
In this Whispercast, host Rick Enloe and Leadership Foundations’ President Dave Hillis begin to explore the theology of place, a value that drives Leadership Foundations to commit to and engage a city for the long term. This Whisper looks at the Old Testament book of Jeremiah and the Israelite’s exile in Babylon as a basis for this idea and will prepare the listener for our next full length podcast on the theology of place with Wil McCall, President of the Dallas Leadership Foundation. Listen here and send in any questions you would like answered to info@leadershipfoundations.org.

Friday Feb 27, 2015
The Urbanization of the World- Episode 6
Friday Feb 27, 2015
Friday Feb 27, 2015
In episode six, host Rick Enloe and Leadership Foundations President Dave Hillis are joined by Dr. Ray Bakke as they take a deeper look at the urbanization of the world . Dr. Bakke states that cities are an amplifier for the word of God and if we truly want to grow the Kingdom of Heaven, we must start in our cities. Listen along as he puts together a map for working in and embracing our “urban future.”

Friday Jan 30, 2015
The Urbanization of the World Whispercast- Episode 5
Friday Jan 30, 2015
Friday Jan 30, 2015
In this Whispercast, host Rick Enloe and Leadership Foundations’ President Dave Hillis introduce the topic of the next full length podcast: The Urbanization of the World with Dr. Ray Bakke. Preparing listeners to fully engage with the topic, this Whisper calls out the reality that a majority of the world’s population now lives in cities and references the LF book as well as the writings of the Apostle Paul in Acts. Listen here and send in any questions you would like answered to info@leadershipfoundations.org.

Thursday Dec 18, 2014
Leadership Foundations: City As Playground Episode 4- Intro to Whispercasts
Thursday Dec 18, 2014
Thursday Dec 18, 2014
In episode four, host Rick Enloe and Leadership Foundations President Dave Hillis introduce a new component to our podcast: The Whispercast. Each Whispercast will explore a new topic and invite listeners to think with us and join in the conversation. These will be followed by a longer podcast featuring a guest speaker who will help explore the topic further.

Monday Jun 23, 2014
Leadership Foundations: City As Playground Episode 3- The LF Book
Monday Jun 23, 2014
Monday Jun 23, 2014
In episode three, host Rick Enloe and Leadership Foundations president Dave Hillis take a look at the newly released LF Book Cities: Playgrounds or Battlegrounds? Leadership Foundations' Fifty Year Journey of Social and Spiritual Renewal. Listen to learn more about the creation, motivation, and content of the LF story that has been fifty years in the making. Copies are available today via the Seattle Book Company.

Friday Apr 18, 2014
Leadership Foundations: City As Playground Episode 2
Friday Apr 18, 2014
Friday Apr 18, 2014
In episode two, host Rick Enloe and Leadership Foundations president Dave Hillis continue to explore the idea of seeing the city as a playground. In this episode they look at the work of Simone Weil and René Girard among others to explore how a person's anthropology impacts the way they see and work in the city.

Sunday Mar 30, 2014
Leadership Foundations: City As Playground Episode 1 - Seeing Matters
Sunday Mar 30, 2014
Sunday Mar 30, 2014
In this first podcast host Rick Enloe explores with Leadership Foundations president Dave Hillis the theological, anthropological, and sociological framework of why seeing matters. Looking at a wide range of material, from the scripture to theological insights to the reflections of poets and philosophers, they discuss how the way in which one sees the city determines how one acts in the city. In the end they make a compelling case for the need to reframe work in the city around the idea of it being seen as a playground rather than a battleground.